HomeBody is a practice that was born out of needing to slow down, connect, and love my body.

When I was a new mother of not one but two infants (having had my babies very close together) I felt exhausted, fried, and on the verge of tears or rage most of the time.

My body was also in a lot of unexplainable pain.

I knew I needed to spend more time with myself and inside of myself for the health of me and my family.

So I booked a lot of self care appointments (massage, acupuncture etc).

I found the appointments themselves would be helpful, but the amount of effort and stress it took to book, drive to, park, pay for, and get childcare for made these appointments almost more stressful than just staying at home.

When I really asked myself what I needed it was just a little space and physical touch.

The first HomeBody practices I did were just me, in my bed for 20 minutes to an hour, allowing my body to tell me where it needed holding and offering it the holding with my own hands.

I would utilize the lymph, fascia and self massage techniques I had been practicing and learning about for many, many years sometimes and sometimes I would just hold my hands on my heart, breathe deeply and listen.

During these practices I would feel my nervous system completely down regulate and the pain in body would lessen and I would feel nourished, hydrated, and able to be present with my girls and husband afterward.

After about a year of regularly doing this practice for myself, I heard the message very clearly to share it with other people, and so for the last year I have been offering HomeBody sessions online in one to one and group formats.

It is now time to offer HomeBody as more than just a one off practice, so that we may recieve the medicine of HomeBody more deeply and with more intention.

HomeBody | The 4 Month Container includes:

  • 2 HomeBody Practices per Month

  • A digital Mighty Networks based container for written digestions, sharing, and written guidance and reflections on your posts from Clara

  • The entire library of group HomeBody teachings and practices recordings

  • $111/month for a minimum of 4 months. Month to month after that.

If you would like to join for a single HomeBody practice, you are also welcome to do that.

These do not include a recording or any digestion, so be clear that you are able to come to the practice live.

There are practices available for drop in the first Saturday of the month 8-9:30am Pacific time.